With the opening of the Portals and the connection of all the worlds, mystical and magical creatures known as Porbles began to appear, particularly in the rapidly growing gardens around the portals. Although Porbles were not hostile to humans, they would become aggressive towards anyone carrying Porble scrolls. While they rarely ventured out of their tangles and gardens, they would attack adventurers with scrolls in the brush. Despite this slight danger, the utility of these fascinating beings was undeniable. Porbles could be trained to cast a vast array of spells beneficial for medicine, construction, farming, and more. They could also be used for battle and thus it was decided that only vetted and trained specialists would control these creatures, leading to the establishment of the Porble Academy nearly 2000 years ago.
Porbles are magical creatures that appeared shortly after the Portals started operating. Initially native to no world, they now inhabit all known worlds and have become shaped by their environments. They range from small critters scurrying amongst the woodland, to elegant creatures soaring above the mountain-tops, to ferocious beasts inhabiting harsh fire-torn lands. Porbles are not strictly animals; they are manifestations of magic with a will of their own, though they do not possess a strong sense of self as individuals. They frequently merge and separate, forming new individuals or splitting into multiple entities.
This unique trait of Porbles has enabled the practice of Porble Fusion, which allows handlers to shape and augment Porbles to fit specific roles even better than before. Through Fusion, Porbles can be customized to enhance their abilities, making them invaluable in various tasks and adventures. Porbles can be caught, battled, and trained by Porble Handlers.
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